# leah houston - a [[person]]. - [[physician]] [[emergency doctor]] - founder [[hpec]] [[evercred]] - interested in [[dao]] ## [[2021-10-16]] - "how do you get people to agree" - and prevent people with high charisma/influence from driving the community exclusively - [[leah]] - how do you get everyone to participate? - some people may have issues: - executive function issues - addictions - ... - alleviate suffering, prevent death and permanent disability - the majority of doctors go into medicine to [[help people]] - lobbying for healthcare reform - incentives are misaligned - physicians are being prevented from helping people - if you develop a system that allows them to operate in a more cooperative and aligned environment, we can: - reduce cost - restore trust to doctor/patient relationship - ran into bitcoin in [[2012]] - became interested in decentralized identity - suffered identity theft by a hospital (!) - founded [[hpec]] - wanted it to be a [[non profit]], but it's hard to get investors that way - [[b corp]] could be an alternative - in the end is [[for profit]] but it'll be a [[dao]] - mostly funded by doctors (!) - [[inclusive stakeholding]] - [[hie of one]] is also in this space: https://hieofone.com/ - some [[open source]] components - founded [[evercred]] - how do you manage [[governance]]? - right now the only decentralized part is identity/certification checking - token incentives, moderation protocol - will be tested properly when a few thousand people are around - would like to hire a [[cto]] - [[counter anti disintermediation]] - [[liquid democracy]] - [[holacracy]] - [[quadratic voting]] - [[radical ones]]